Thursday, April 9, 2009

If God Made it, Eat it. If Man Made it Spit it Out

This is more than a diet, this is a lifestyle choice. It's natural and in God's plan for us to get old but not to get old AND fat. Obesity is as detrimental to health as any drug or alcohol. In today's society, processed foods are king. Food companies spend millions of dollars marketing processed junk to people. Zero nutrition. This keeps you hungry AND in a constant state of malnutrition. These are just chemical fillers. Most foods and drinks have HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP (which is poison, in my humble opinion) as the second largest ingredient. My solution to this problem is to buck the trend and not do what everybody else does. I still eat according to what I call "The Lord's Diet", not General Mills or Hamburger Helper's diet. For optimum health, God created all of these colorful plants, fruits and vegetables, each having its own disease fighting substance (phytochemicals). It's what makes apples red and spinach green. These chemicals are cancer and cholesterol's worste nightmare. These foods are high in fiber which makes them digest slowly, keeping you full and satisfied longer. They also maintain blood sugar level. Blood sugar peaks and valleys will eventually wear out the pancreas and cause you to become diabetic in your old age.
For best health, pick the most colorful of the fruits and vegetables and eat them RAW. Yep RAW. Most beneficial enzymes are lost at high temeratures. Fiber is also cooked out.
Note: The only vegetable that can be made BETTER by cooking is the tomato. Lycopene in the tomato becomes more absorbable through cooking. So cook away at the tomatoes and eat colorful, crunchy fruits and veggies and watch your weight fall and your energy rise. Throw in a little exercise and you'll live to be so old that you crap your pants and aggravate everyone in your family. Don't forget lean meats, baked or broiled. By the way, speaking of crapping your pants, you will know that your diet is right when your doody is "S shaped".. Sorry but I had to mention that, in keeping with my reputation. Give it a try and let me know how it goes. Remember, God loves you and so do I.- BRADCOLE

Sample diet below:
How to Lose Weight With the Raw Food Diet
by Kathleen Milazzo

How to Lose Weight With the Raw Food Diet

How to Lose Weight With the Raw Food Diet
Losing weight with the raw food diet is easy just by virtue of the type of foods that you eat on it. There are no processed or bad fat foods on it so most of what you are eating are fresh fruits and vegetables. Your protein comes from beans and legumes so you don't have to worry about fatty meats. The raw food diet is meant more for health rather than weight loss although the two are very much connected. Follow the raw food diet, as in the steps below and you will be able to drop those pounds with some regular activity and healthy foods.
Difficulty: Moderately Easy
Things You'll Need

* Fresh fruits and vegetables
* Nuts
* Seeds
* Beans
* Grains
* Legumes
* Dried fruit
* Seaweed
* Unprocessed organic or natural foods
* Freshly juiced fruit and vegetables
* Purified water
* Young coconut milk

Step One
On the raw food diet at least 75 percent of the foods you eat must not be heated more than 116 degrees. 116 degrees is the temperature of the hot air that is used to dehydrate foods to dry them. Drying foods yourself means that there is no added sugar.
Step Two
Eat mostly raw or dried fruits and vegetables with some grains, seeds and legumes. These are foods that have no or low fat so just by eating these foods you will drop weight. Avocados are high in fat, however they are high in the good fat and cholesterol.That serves two purposes. The first is that they don't add to the bad fat, but even better than that is they help to rid your body of the bad fat. While you still need to limit this high fat food, your body will be slimmer and healthier by eating it.
Step Three
Because eating these foods raw is encouraged and most fruits and vegetables are sprayed with pesticides, you are encouraged to only eat foods grown organically.
Step Four
Some vegetables are considered negative calorie foods. What that means is that it takes more caloric energy to eat and digest them, than you get from them. That will help to drop weight also.

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